## Uncomment lines starting with one '#' to suit your needs. ## Use the XKB_DEFAULT_LAYOUT variable to set the keyboard layout. For example ## to start with Swedish keyboard layout set it to 'se'. If you are unsure what ## your country code is, refer to the layout section of: ## /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/evdev.lst ## ## Multiple keyboard layouts can be set by comma-separating the country codes. ## If multiple layouts are used, specify the toggle-keybind using ## XKB_DEFAULT_OPTIONS as show below. ## ## For further details, see xkeyboard-config(7) XKB_DEFAULT_OPTIONS=grp:alt_shift_toggle ## Force firefox to use wayland backend. MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 ## Set cursor theme and size. Find system icons themes with: ## `find /usr/share/icons/ -type d -name "cursors"` ## BEMENU stuff BEMENU_OPTS= -n -i --tb "#2D2A2E" --tf "#AC9C6D" --fb "#2D2A2E" --nb "#2D2A2E" --ab "#2D2A2E" --hb "#2D2A2E" --hf "#AC9C6D" --line-height 30 "$@" --center --wrap --ignorecase --prompt '>' --list 12 --no-overlap --width-factor 0.5 --fn 'MesloLGS NF' # BEMENU_OPTS=-n -i --tb '#1e1e1e' --tf '#eaeaea' --fb '#1e1e1e' --nb '#1e1e1e' --ab '#1e1e1e' --hb '#4A5152'--hf '#AC966D' --line-height 30 --center --wrap --ignorecase --prompt '>' --list 12 --no-overlap --width-factor 0.5 --fn 'MesloLGS NF' BEMENU_BACKEND=wayland XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP=KDE XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=KDE QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland ## QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=qt6ct ## QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE=kvantum XCURSOR_THEME=breeze_cursors XCURSOR_SIZE=32 XKB_DEFAULT_LAYOUT=us,gr XKB_DEFAULT_VARIANT= GDK_DEBUG=portals