import args import os import pathlib import torch as T import torch.nn as nn from typing import Callable from stable_baselines3 import PPO from stable_baselines3.common.callbacks import CheckpointCallback from stable_baselines3.common.vec_env.vec_monitor import VecMonitor from godot_rl.core.utils import can_import from godot_rl.wrappers.onnx.stable_baselines_export import export_ppo_model_as_onnx from godot_rl.wrappers.stable_baselines_wrapper import StableBaselinesGodotEnv if can_import("ray"): print("WARNING: SB3 and ray[rllib] are not compatible.") args, extras = args.parse_args() def handle_onnx_export(): ''' Enforces the onnx and zip extentions when saving models. This avoids potential conflicts in case of identical names and extentions ''' if args.onnx_export_path is not None: path_onnx = pathlib.Path(args.onnx_export_path).with_suffix(".onnx") print(f"Exporting onnx to: {os.path.abspath(path_onnx)}") export_ppo_model_as_onnx(model, str(path_onnx)) def handle_model_save(): if args.save_model_path is not None: zip_save_path = pathlib.Path(Args.save_model_path).with_suffix(".zip") print(f"Saving model to: {os.path.abspath(zip_save_path)}") def close_env(): try: print("Closing env...") env.close() except Exception as e: print(f"Exception while closing env: {e}") path_checkpoint = os.path.join(args.exper_dir, f"{args.exper_name}_checkpoints") abs_path_checkpoint = os.path.abspath(path_checkpoint) if args.save_checkpoint_frequency is not None and os.path.isdir(path_checkpoint): raise RuntimeError( f"{abs_path_checkpoint} already exists." "Use a different directory or different name." "If you want to override previous checkpoints you have to delete them manually." ) if args.inference and args.resume_model_path is None: raise parser.error( "Using --inference requires --resume_model_path to be set." ) if args.env_path is None and args.viz: print("Info: using --viz without --env_path set has no effect.") print("\nIn editor training will always render.") env = StableBaselinesGodotEnv( env_path=args.env_path, show_window=args.viz, seed=args.seed, n_parallel=args.n_parallel, speedup=args.speedup ) env = VecMonitor(env) # LR schedule code snippet from: # def linear_schedule(initial_value: float) -> Callable[[float], float]: """ Linear learning rate schedule. :param initial_value: Initial learning rate. :return: schedule that computes current learning rate depending on remaining progress """ def func(progress_remaining: float) -> float: """ Progress will decrease from 1 (beginning) to 0. :param progress_remaining: :return: current learning rate """ return progress_remaining * initial_value return func policy_kwargs = dict( activation_fn=nn.Tanh, net_arch = dict( pi=[256], vf = [2048, 2048]#, 4096, 4096, 4096, 4096] ), optimizer_class = T.optim.Adam, optimizer_kwargs = dict( betas=(0.9, 0.9), eps=1e-5 ), ) if args.resume_model_path is None: if not args.linear_lr_schedule: learning_rate = 0.0003 else: linear_schedule(0.0003) model: PPO = PPO( # 'MultiInputPolicy' serves as an alias for MultiInputActorCriticPolicy "MultiInputPolicy", env, batch_size=64, ent_coef=0.01, verbose=2, n_steps=256, tensorboard_log=args.exper_dir, learning_rate=learning_rate, policy_kwargs=policy_kwargs, # optimizer_kwargs=optimizer_kwargs, ) else: path_zip = pathlib.Path(args.resume_model_path) print(f"Loading model: {os.path.abspath(pathzip)}") model: PPO = PPO.load( path_zip, env=env, tensorboard_log=args.exper_dir ) if args.inference: obs = env.reset() for i in range(args.timesteps): action, _state = model.predict(obs, deterministic=True) obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action) else: learn_arguments = dict(total_timesteps=args.timesteps, tb_log_name=args.exper_name) if args.save_checkpoint_frequency: print("Checkpoint saving enabled.") print(f"\nCheckpoints will be saved to {abs_path_checkpoint}") checkpoint_callback = CheckpointCallback( save_freq=(args.save_checkpoint_frequency // env.num_envs), save_path=path_checkpoint, name_prefix=args.exper_name ) learn_arguments["callback"] = checkpoint_callback try: model.learn(**learn_arguments) except KeyboardInterrupt: print( """ Training interrupted by user. Will save if --save_model_path was set and/or export if --onnx_export was set. """ ) close_env() handle_onnx_export() handle_model_save()