import argparse import os import pathlib from typing import Callable from stable_baselines3 import PPO from stable_baselines3.common.callbacks import CheckpointCallback from stable_baselines3.common.vec_env.vec_monitor import VecMonitor from godot_rl.core.utils import can_import from godot_rl.wrappers.onnx.stable_baselines_export import export_ppo_model_as_onnx from godot_rl.wrappers.stable_baselines_wrapper import StableBaselinesGodotEnv # To download the env source and binary: # 1. gdrl.env_from_hub -r edbeeching/godot_rl_BallChase # 2. chmod +x examples/godot_rl_BallChase/bin/BallChase.x86_64 if can_import("ray"): print("WARNING, stable baselines and ray[rllib] are not compatible") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(allow_abbrev=False) parser.add_argument( "--env_path", default=None, type=str, help="The Godot binary to use, do not include for in editor training", ) parser.add_argument( "--experiment_dir", default="logs/sb3", type=str, help="The name of the experiment directory, in which the tensorboard logs and checkpoints (if enabled) are " "getting stored.", ) parser.add_argument( "--experiment_name", default="experiment", type=str, help="The name of the experiment, which will be displayed in tensorboard and " "for checkpoint directory and name (if enabled).", ) parser.add_argument("--seed", type=int, default=0, help="seed of the experiment") parser.add_argument( "--resume_model_path", default=None, type=str, help="The path to a model file previously saved using --save_model_path or a checkpoint saved using " "--save_checkpoints_frequency. Use this to resume training or infer from a saved model.", ) parser.add_argument( "--save_model_path", default=None, type=str, help="The path to use for saving the trained sb3 model after training is complete. Saved model can be used later " "to resume training. Extension will be set to .zip", ) parser.add_argument( "--save_checkpoint_frequency", default=None, type=int, help=( "If set, will save checkpoints every 'frequency' environment steps. " "Requires a unique --experiment_name or --experiment_dir for each run. " "Does not need --save_model_path to be set. " ), ) parser.add_argument( "--onnx_export_path", default=None, type=str, help="If included, will export onnx file after training to the path specified.", ) parser.add_argument( "--timesteps", default=1_000_000, type=int, help="The number of environment steps to train for, default is 1_000_000. If resuming from a saved model, " "it will continue training for this amount of steps from the saved state without counting previously trained " "steps", ) parser.add_argument( "--inference", default=False, action="store_true", help="Instead of training, it will run inference on a loaded model for --timesteps steps. " "Requires --resume_model_path to be set.", ) parser.add_argument( "--linear_lr_schedule", default=False, action="store_true", help="Use a linear LR schedule for training. If set, learning rate will decrease until it reaches 0 at " "--timesteps" "value. Note: On resuming training, the schedule will reset. If disabled, constant LR will be used.", ) parser.add_argument( "--viz", action="store_true", help="If set, the simulation will be displayed in a window during training. Otherwise " "training will run without rendering the simulation. This setting does not apply to in-editor training.", default=False, ) parser.add_argument("--speedup", default=1, type=int, help="Whether to speed up the physics in the env") parser.add_argument( "--n_parallel", default=1, type=int, help="How many instances of the environment executable to " "launch - requires --env_path to be set if > 1.", ) args, extras = parser.parse_known_args() def handle_onnx_export(): # Enforce the extension of onnx and zip when saving model to avoid potential conflicts in case of same name # and extension used for both if args.onnx_export_path is not None: path_onnx = pathlib.Path(args.onnx_export_path).with_suffix(".onnx") print("Exporting onnx to: " + os.path.abspath(path_onnx)) export_ppo_model_as_onnx(model, str(path_onnx)) def handle_model_save(): if args.save_model_path is not None: zip_save_path = pathlib.Path(args.save_model_path).with_suffix(".zip") print("Saving model to: " + os.path.abspath(zip_save_path)) def close_env(): try: print("closing env") env.close() except Exception as e: print("Exception while closing env: ", e) path_checkpoint = os.path.join(args.experiment_dir, args.experiment_name + "_checkpoints") abs_path_checkpoint = os.path.abspath(path_checkpoint) # Prevent overwriting existing checkpoints when starting a new experiment if checkpoint saving is enabled if args.save_checkpoint_frequency is not None and os.path.isdir(path_checkpoint): raise RuntimeError( abs_path_checkpoint + " folder already exists. " "Use a different --experiment_dir, or --experiment_name," "or if previous checkpoints are not needed anymore, " "remove the folder containing the checkpoints. " ) if args.inference and args.resume_model_path is None: raise parser.error("Using --inference requires --resume_model_path to be set.") if args.env_path is None and args.viz: print("Info: Using --viz without --env_path set has no effect, in-editor training will always render.") env = StableBaselinesGodotEnv( env_path=args.env_path, show_window=args.viz, seed=args.seed, n_parallel=args.n_parallel, speedup=args.speedup ) env = VecMonitor(env) # LR schedule code snippet from: # def linear_schedule(initial_value: float) -> Callable[[float], float]: """ Linear learning rate schedule. :param initial_value: Initial learning rate. :return: schedule that computes current learning rate depending on remaining progress """ def func(progress_remaining: float) -> float: """ Progress will decrease from 1 (beginning) to 0. :param progress_remaining: :return: current learning rate """ return progress_remaining * initial_value return func if args.resume_model_path is None: learning_rate = 0.0003 if not args.linear_lr_schedule else linear_schedule(0.0003) model: PPO = PPO( "MultiInputPolicy", env, batch_size=128, ent_coef=0.001, verbose=2, n_steps=32, tensorboard_log=args.experiment_dir, learning_rate=learning_rate, ) else: path_zip = pathlib.Path(args.resume_model_path) print("Loading model: " + os.path.abspath(path_zip)) model = PPO.load(path_zip, env=env, tensorboard_log=args.experiment_dir) if args.inference: obs = env.reset() for i in range(args.timesteps): action, _state = model.predict(obs, deterministic=True) obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action) else: learn_arguments = dict(total_timesteps=args.timesteps, tb_log_name=args.experiment_name) if args.save_checkpoint_frequency: print("Checkpoint saving enabled. Checkpoints will be saved to: " + abs_path_checkpoint) checkpoint_callback = CheckpointCallback( save_freq=(args.save_checkpoint_frequency // env.num_envs), save_path=path_checkpoint, name_prefix=args.experiment_name, ) learn_arguments["callback"] = checkpoint_callback try: model.learn(**learn_arguments) except KeyboardInterrupt: print( """Training interrupted by user. Will save if --save_model_path was used and/or export if --onnx_export_path was used.""" ) close_env() handle_onnx_export() handle_model_save()