@tool extends EditorPlugin const DockScene := preload("res://addons/Todo_Manager/UI/Dock.tscn") const Dock := preload("res://addons/Todo_Manager/Dock.gd") const Todo := preload("res://addons/Todo_Manager/todo_class.gd") const TodoItem := preload("res://addons/Todo_Manager/todoItem_class.gd") var _dockUI : Dock class TodoCacheValue: var todos: Array var last_modified_time: int func _init(todos: Array, last_modified_time: int): self.todos = todos self.last_modified_time = last_modified_time var todo_cache : Dictionary # { key: script_path, value: TodoCacheValue } var remove_queue : Array var combined_pattern : String var cased_patterns : Array[String] var refresh_lock := false # makes sure _on_filesystem_changed only triggers once func _enter_tree() -> void: _dockUI = DockScene.instantiate() as Control add_control_to_bottom_panel(_dockUI, "TODO") get_editor_interface().get_resource_filesystem().connect("filesystem_changed", _on_filesystem_changed) get_editor_interface().get_file_system_dock().connect("file_removed", queue_remove) get_editor_interface().get_script_editor().connect("editor_script_changed", _on_active_script_changed) _dockUI.plugin = self combined_pattern = combine_patterns(_dockUI.patterns) find_tokens_from_path(find_scripts()) _dockUI.build_tree() func _exit_tree() -> void: _dockUI.create_config_file() remove_control_from_bottom_panel(_dockUI) _dockUI.free() func queue_remove(file: String): for i in _dockUI.todo_items.size() - 1: if _dockUI.todo_items[i].script_path == file: _dockUI.todo_items.remove_at(i) func find_tokens_from_path(scripts: Array[String]) -> void: for script_path in scripts: var file := FileAccess.open(script_path, FileAccess.READ) var contents := file.get_as_text() if script_path.ends_with(".tscn"): handle_built_in_scripts(contents, script_path) else: find_tokens(contents, script_path) func handle_built_in_scripts(contents: String, resource_path: String): var s := contents.split("sub_resource type=\"GDScript\"") if s.size() <= 1: return for i in range(1, s.size()): var script_components := s[i].split("script/source") var script_name = script_components[0].substr(5, 14) find_tokens(script_components[1], resource_path + "::" + script_name) func find_tokens(text: String, script_path: String) -> void: var cached_todos = get_cached_todos(script_path) if cached_todos.size() != 0: # var i := 0 # for todo_item in _dockUI.todo_items: # if todo_item.script_path == script_path: # _dockUI.todo_items.remove_at(i) # i += 1 var todo_item := TodoItem.new(script_path, cached_todos) _dockUI.todo_items.append(todo_item) else: var regex = RegEx.new() # if regex.compile("#\\s*\\bTODO\\b.*|#\\s*\\bHACK\\b.*") == OK: if regex.compile(combined_pattern) == OK: var result : Array[RegExMatch] = regex.search_all(text) if result.is_empty(): for i in _dockUI.todo_items.size(): if _dockUI.todo_items[i].script_path == script_path: _dockUI.todo_items.remove_at(i) return # No tokens found var match_found : bool var i := 0 for todo_item in _dockUI.todo_items: if todo_item.script_path == script_path: match_found = true var updated_todo_item := update_todo_item(todo_item, result, text, script_path) _dockUI.todo_items.remove_at(i) _dockUI.todo_items.insert(i, updated_todo_item) break i += 1 if !match_found: _dockUI.todo_items.append(create_todo_item(result, text, script_path)) func create_todo_item(regex_results: Array[RegExMatch], text: String, script_path: String) -> TodoItem: var todo_item = TodoItem.new(script_path, []) todo_item.script_path = script_path var last_line_number := 0 var lines := text.split("\n") for r in regex_results: var new_todo : Todo = create_todo(r.get_string(), script_path) new_todo.line_number = get_line_number(r.get_string(), text, last_line_number) # GD Multiline comment var trailing_line := new_todo.line_number var should_break = false while trailing_line < lines.size() and lines[trailing_line].dedent().begins_with("#"): for other_r in regex_results: if lines[trailing_line] in other_r.get_string(): should_break = true break if should_break: break new_todo.content += "\n" + lines[trailing_line] trailing_line += 1 last_line_number = new_todo.line_number todo_item.todos.append(new_todo) cache_todos(todo_item.todos, script_path) return todo_item func update_todo_item(todo_item: TodoItem, regex_results: Array[RegExMatch], text: String, script_path: String) -> TodoItem: todo_item.todos.clear() var lines := text.split("\n") for r in regex_results: var new_todo : Todo = create_todo(r.get_string(), script_path) new_todo.line_number = get_line_number(r.get_string(), text) # GD Multiline comment var trailing_line := new_todo.line_number var should_break = false while trailing_line < lines.size() and lines[trailing_line].dedent().begins_with("#"): for other_r in regex_results: if lines[trailing_line] in other_r.get_string(): should_break = true break if should_break: break new_todo.content += "\n" + lines[trailing_line] trailing_line += 1 todo_item.todos.append(new_todo) return todo_item func get_line_number(what: String, from: String, start := 0) -> int: what = what.split('\n')[0] # Match first line of multiline C# comments var temp_array := from.split('\n') var lines := Array(temp_array) var line_number# = lines.find(what) + 1 for i in range(start, lines.size()): if what in lines[i]: line_number = i + 1 # +1 to account of 0-based array vs 1-based line numbers break else: line_number = 0 # This is an error return line_number func _on_filesystem_changed() -> void: if !refresh_lock: if _dockUI.auto_refresh: refresh_lock = true _dockUI.get_node("Timer").start() rescan_files(false) func find_scripts() -> Array[String]: var scripts : Array[String] var directory_queue : Array[String] var dir := DirAccess.open("res://") if dir.get_open_error() == OK: get_dir_contents(dir, scripts, directory_queue) else: printerr("TODO_Manager: There was an error during find_scripts()") while not directory_queue.is_empty(): if dir.change_dir(directory_queue[0]) == OK: get_dir_contents(dir, scripts, directory_queue) else: printerr("TODO_Manager: There was an error at: " + directory_queue[0]) directory_queue.pop_front() return scripts func cache_todos(todos: Array, script_path: String) -> void: var last_modified_time = FileAccess.get_modified_time(script_path) todo_cache[script_path] = TodoCacheValue.new(todos, last_modified_time) func get_cached_todos(script_path: String) -> Array: if todo_cache.has(script_path) and !script_path.contains("tscn::"): var cached_value: TodoCacheValue = todo_cache[script_path] if cached_value.last_modified_time == FileAccess.get_modified_time(script_path): return cached_value.todos return [] func get_dir_contents(dir: DirAccess, scripts: Array[String], directory_queue: Array[String]) -> void: dir.include_navigational = false dir.include_hidden = false dir.list_dir_begin() var file_name : String = dir.get_next() while file_name != "": if dir.current_is_dir(): if file_name == ".import" or file_name == ".mono": # Skip .import folder which should never have scripts pass else: directory_queue.append(dir.get_current_dir().path_join(file_name)) else: if file_name.ends_with(".gd") or file_name.ends_with(".cs") \ or file_name.ends_with(".c") or file_name.ends_with(".cpp") or file_name.ends_with(".h") \ or ((file_name.ends_with(".tscn") and _dockUI.builtin_enabled)): scripts.append(dir.get_current_dir().path_join(file_name)) file_name = dir.get_next() func rescan_files(clear_cache: bool) -> void: _dockUI.todo_items.clear() if clear_cache: todo_cache.clear() combined_pattern = combine_patterns(_dockUI.patterns) find_tokens_from_path(find_scripts()) _dockUI.build_tree() func combine_patterns(patterns: Array) -> String: # Case Sensitivity cased_patterns = [] for pattern in patterns: if pattern[2] == _dockUI.CASE_INSENSITIVE: cased_patterns.append(pattern[0].insert(0, "((?i)") + ")") else: cased_patterns.append("(" + pattern[0] + ")") if patterns.size() == 1: return cased_patterns[0] else: var pattern_string := "((\\/\\*)|(#|\\/\\/))\\s*(" for i in range(patterns.size()): if i == 0: pattern_string += cased_patterns[i] else: pattern_string += "|" + cased_patterns[i] pattern_string += ")(?(2)[\\s\\S]*?\\*\\/|.*)" return pattern_string func create_todo(todo_string: String, script_path: String) -> Todo: var todo := Todo.new() var regex = RegEx.new() for pattern in cased_patterns: if regex.compile(pattern) == OK: var result : RegExMatch = regex.search(todo_string) if result: todo.pattern = pattern todo.title = result.strings[0] else: continue else: printerr("Error compiling " + pattern) todo.content = todo_string todo.script_path = script_path return todo func _on_active_script_changed(script) -> void: if _dockUI: if _dockUI.tabs.current_tab == 1: _dockUI.build_tree()