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# Welcome to Baml! To use this generated code, please run the following:
# $ pip install baml
# This file was generated by BAML: please do not edit it. Instead, edit the
# BAML files and re-generate this code.
# ruff: noqa: E501,F401
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# pylint: disable=unused-import,line-too-long
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file_map = {
"chessmove.baml": "// Defining a data model.\nclass ChessMove {\n piece_name PieceName\n starting_square string\n end_square string\n is_capture bool\n}\n\nenum PieceName {\n Pawn\n Bishop\n Knight\n Rook\n Queen\n King\n}\n\nfunction ExtractChessMove(agent_string: string, board_state: string) -> ChessMove {\n client Llama2\n\n prompt #\"\n I will provide you with a text prompt. Based on this, you must first identify whether or not a chess move is described, and if yes then you must return the move. \n \n The text is as follows:\n \n {{ agent_string }}\n\n {{ ctx.output_format }}\n\n Here is also the current state of the board so you can understand the context of the text above.\n\n {{ board_state }}\n\n If the move does NOT contain a chess move, return \n\n piece_name -> None\n starting_square -> 'None'\n end_square -> 'None'\n is_capture -> 'False'\n\n There are more ways that one to verify if you made a correct analysis, so for each correct one you will be rewarded. \n \n Use Chain of Thought methods for this above analysis.\n\n \"#\n}\n\n// Test the function with a sample resume. Open the VSCode playground to run this.\n",
"clients.baml": "// Learn more about clients at\n\nclient<llm> Llama2 {\n provider \"openai-generic\"\n options {\n // This will try the clients in order until one succeeds\n base_url \"http://localhost:11434/v1\"\n model llama3.2:1b\n }\n}\n",
"generators.baml": "// This helps use auto generate libraries you can use in the language of\n// your choice. You can have multiple generators if you use multiple languages.\n// Just ensure that the output_dir is different for each generator.\ngenerator target {\n // Valid values: \"python/pydantic\", \"typescript\", \"ruby/sorbet\", \"rest/openapi\"\n output_type \"python/pydantic\"\n\n // Where the generated code will be saved (relative to baml_src/)\n output_dir \"../\"\n\n // The version of the BAML package you have installed (e.g. same version as your baml-py or @boundaryml/baml).\n // The BAML VSCode extension version should also match this version.\n version \"0.60.0\"\n\n // Valid values: \"sync\", \"async\"\n // This controls what `b.FunctionName()` will be (sync or async).\n default_client_mode sync\n}\n",
def get_baml_files():
return file_map