// Defining a data model. class ChessMove { piece_name PieceName starting_square string end_square string is_capture bool } enum PieceName { Pawn Bishop Knight Rook Queen King } function ExtractChessMove(agent_string: string, board_state: string) -> ChessMove { client Llama2 prompt #" I will provide you with a text prompt. Based on this, you must first identify whether or not a chess move is described, and if yes then you must return the move. The text is as follows: {{ agent_string }} {{ ctx.output_format }} Here is also the current state of the board so you can understand the context of the text above. {{ board_state }} If the move does NOT contain a chess move, return piece_name -> None starting_square -> 'None' end_square -> 'None' is_capture -> 'False' There are more ways that one to verify if you made a correct analysis, so for each correct one you will be rewarded. Use Chain of Thought methods for this above analysis. "# } // Test the function with a sample resume. Open the VSCode playground to run this.